Thursday, September 10, 2015

Shitty First Drafts

When writing a first draft, such as this because I will not be revising it, inner voices play a key part in the development of the piece. For me, as an aspiring journalist, I tend to let my inner voice flow through my fingers, editing a lot and hoping I don't sound too dumb. For other writers such as Lamott, she doesn't tend to have inner voice that flows through. Instead its like "pulling teeth" with an eventual good second or third draft. The inner voice can be trusted to certain extent. More or less, the voice in your head telling you the words that should belong on the page, can be shitty. You have to trust the years of education, that you've developed a good editor in your head alongside your inner voice. If you sometimes feel like words don't make sense or seem correct, the editor has to reevaluate the piece and fix it. The first draft is more about the process, the product doesn't matter as much because its going to be revised, reinvented, and bettered. If all writers stuck with their first drafts, they wouldn't be terrible, but they wouldn't be polished. It'd be like reading what someone is saying. I agree with this statement because I've written a lot and rewritten more. There are rare circumstances when the first draft is almost uneditable because of the effort and thought, but almost always its the third draft that is the final.

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