Sunday, September 20, 2015

Millennial Generation

It's hard to describe a 'typical' Millennial, due to the diversity of the people. Some key aspects that separate millennials from the older generations, are the non-destructive habits, financial cautiousness, and skeptical view of politics. Millennials tend to live in cities in cheap apartments (depending on location), so as to work on paying off the vast amount of student debt most have. In a television show, a male and female millennial would probably have a weekly or monthly budget, possibly a job depending on their college education. They wouldn't eat out too often because of the budget, and they probably don't sleep very much because they might be working multiple jobs.  

Millennials face many challenges.  Many white millennials are ignorant to the inherent racial discriminations in their every day lives. Politically, many millennials are more aware of politics, but not involved with political careers. Personally, I'm most concerned about the issues regarding higher education. It is too expensive to go to college, but without college you can't get a job or start a career. So many students take out thousands of dollars in loans, and can barely get by while paying them off years after graduation. College shouldn't be completely unaffordable, as it is now. It's also quite difficult to get a job after college, so college might not even be the best option for some individuals. The older generations left us with an unstable economy and a heavy burden. 

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