Thursday, September 24, 2015

Millennials Video

The video 
Millennials in the Workplace is a satirical video about the issues with Millennials at office jobs. The video makes fun of millennials by exaggerating their behaviors. The author of the video has to believe at least part of the portrayal of the millennials in the video are accurate, because in order to make a satirical video, it has to be based off of some truth. Some of these assumptions include: millennials needing constant praise and promotion, millennials are always late, millennials need coffee, millennials will make up any excuse to miss responsibilities, and more. The assumptions about non-millennials, to even further exaggerate behaviors of millennials are: that they don't understand millennials, its hard to work around them, and its easier to comply then to work with them. The fact that millennials all show up 40 minutes late with their iced coffee really bugged me, because although some people are tardy, if coffee is really important to a person, the time for it will be budgeted into a morning routine. Another issue that bugged me, was that millennials need constant praise, because that is a mindset that our parents instilled in us. The author is correct that some millennials need constant praise, but it is due to our parents.

The central stance of the video Millennials: We Suck and We’re Sorry is a sarcastic view about how the older generations view the Millennials. Everything the millennials are apologizing for are things the older generations caused to happen. For instance the millennials apologize for being lazy and not working, even though 90% of the new jobs created are part time. Also they apologize for all going to college and having averages of $30,000 in debt, because the older generations increased college tuition by 600%. The video is very accurate depiction of how the older generations think of the millennials. If someone didn't know the video was sarcastic, they'd probably be confused as to why the millennials are apologizing for so many things they think are wrong with them. The discussion of the college tuition rate being jacked up was very close to home, because its an issue very personal to me. Also the mention of the recession the baby boomers caused in the 90's and how the economy was wrecked after, was very grabbing. Many older generations criticize millennials for moving back in with their parents after college, but its very difficult to pay off the abundance of student loans and pay for rent. I feel as though these issues are portrayed in a very accurate way.
The video Millennials--The Laziest Generation? is a discussion about the Millennials and the stereotypes and how true they are. The first woman to speak mentions that the stereotypes are true but we were thrown into a situation where they had to be true. The generations that raised us created an environment that allowed us to feed off of narcissism and technology. Being obsessed with technology isn't too accurate, it is very essential to everyday life because everyone uses it to communicate. Snapchatting everything is just another form of communication, as is tweeting and instagramming. Each member of the panel has a different take even though they're all millennials, which just shows how diverse each millennials perspective of the generation is. The Millennials are the biggest generation ever, so it is unreasonable to lump them into one group that all acts the same way.

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