Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Me Me Me Generation

Generations of people do not shape themselves, the past generations raise the future ones with their idealistic mindsets, forming them into however they deem best to live a good life. The Me Generation of the past (the baby boomers), installed a sense of entitlement into their children. Awards at every corner and congratulations at every bend, made the Me Me Me Generation. Older generations complain that this sense of entitlement and narcissism is problematic. But we're no different from the older generations, we just have more platforms with easier accessibility to promote ourselves. If twitter, instagram, and facebook had been invented a hundred years earlier, the older generations would have behaved exactly as we do. We are self-sufficient. No longer do we rely on the corporate America to satisfy needs. Internet is easily accessible to the masses. The rich-kid specialties have spread across the world, allowing everyone to behave with snobbery and entitlement. Instead America is starting to shape itself around what millennials deem important. For a millennials, we are multi-taskers. You can't just get by doing one task at a time anymore, to be ahead, you have to be able to consolidate tasks so you can move on quickly. Millennials are also connected, networking has never been easier. With technologies, its easier to get in touch with a person that knows a person that knows their secretary that can get you the information you need. Millennials also balance well. Its not just about having a career, but also having a social life, and friends, and family, and hobbies. Millennials budget their time to fit in activities and people that make their lives worth living. Although, many older generations think these can be bad qualities because work should be the main focus and never half-assed, its also important to find a happy medium and live a good life.

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