Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Midterm Reflection

Thinking rhetorically is key to understanding reading material because it then helps when writing about and summarizing the text. When thinking rhetorically one must consider the particular needs of the audience, the context of writing, and stance. These elements combine to allow for effective communication with understanding of other perspectives. It is relevant to myself to think rhetorically because it allows you to be confident about a subject which is then essential to effective writing. By having writing assignments every night on different subjects, I have learned how to write a well-structured piece that is easily comprehended by the target audience. Some points that have really been important and helpful in future writings, are the chunking assignments. They help dissect a piece of writing and work with it better than reading alone works. Thinking rhetorically will also definitely benefit my writing and help make persuasive and easily understandable writings. Another thing that has stuck with me, is the importance of writing shitty first drafts. Instead of just writing as well as possible the first time, write whatever pops into your head and have that as a first draft. Odds are you will have good ideas and some moments of talking about nothing, but the good ideas will then translate into a successful second draft.

This course has a heavy work load that doesn't allow me to focus as much as I would like on each question. I believe the quality of writing matters more than the quantity, but with large assignments due every day, I think my writing has suffered a bit.

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