Friday, November 6, 2015

My Glog

My Glogster "Social Media and Politics" is fairly easy to navigate. It will include 2 multimedia sources that will be linked to on the Glogster. The blog is about how social media evolved to become a key component of news for Millennials, and how politicians use social media to reach the Millennials, and how these relate to the upcoming election. I then focus on each front candidate, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Donald Trump. I then explain how Millennials use social media and how the issues discussed on the social media differs. I then intertwine my own opinions about current politicians and how I use social media to get my news. Also on my glog, I have links to Youtube videos that overview the current Democratic and Republican Debates. On the Glog you can read basic background information and be linked to key websites of current politicians. Then you can be linked to my Synthesis and how I came up with my ideas. Finally, my glog will try to educate the audience on policies of current politicians and candidates and how you can stay best informed about policies. There will also be a link to a quiz to see what candidate you should vote for based on your social media use.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Visual Rhetoric

Images draw the eyes attention immediately, it's often the first thing people notice on a page due to color, and because they are memorable. Readers generally remember images more than the text accompanying them, even if the image has a conflicting idea to the text.

You have to consider that if the image has a different meaning or conflicts with the text, people might have a different take away then was intended. You should also consider, if there are two or more sides to an issue and an image accompanies one side, readers will be more likely to align with the side and argument had a picture. Color also influences readers, bright colors grab attention and many colors evoke an emotional response.

For my "I Am a Millennial Project", I plan on using graphs and images of candidates. I also plan to use visual content such as links to social media pages for different candidates.