Sunday, August 30, 2015

Montgomery County Neglect free-range parenting

  • The only reason a 6-year old and 10-year old wouldn't be allowed to walk to a park one mile away unsupervised is incase they got lost along the way. Parents should try to raise their children to be independent and make smart and safe choices even if there is some potential for risk. Two blocks away is ridiculous to even question the safety, obviously there are sick people in the world that parents want to protect their children from, but the same parents that played freely as children are now shielding their children from the freedoms they once had. Its hypocrisy at its finest. We live in a sad world where the risk does have to taken into consideration. A parent will forever regret not walking with their 7-year old to the park a block away if it means they weren't abducted, but at what point does that become ludicrous? Gray and Rosin would argue for the children to be able to independently walk to and from playgrounds and even the metro. Especially with technology and GPS, parents shouldn't have to think twice about sending their kids out to play.

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